TP — Pipes & FIFOs

All the sources are available in the part-3 tarball.

The C files are located in directory part-3/tp-pipe-fifo/material/.

The general specifications of the POSIX functions are available at OpenGroup website.


In this homework, we study pipes and fifos.

After a short course, we propose few exercises to learn how to handle pipes and fifos.

Pipes and FIFOs

Pipes are Unix implementations of shared data based on the producer/consumer model. This model was described in the synchonisation TD and the synchronisation homework.

Access to a file declared as a "pipe" is managed by Unix according to the producer/consumer model. read and write on this file are similar to consume and produce respectively, but read operations are destructive. A read byte is removed from the tube. As for a consume operation, a read operation is blocking if the tube is empty. As for a produce operation, a write operation is blocking if the tube is full.


pipe() creates a pipe, a unidirectional data channel that can be used for interprocess communication.

int pipe(int pipefd[2]);

The array pipefd is used to return two file descriptors referring to the ends of the pipe. pipefd[0] refers to the read end of the pipe. pipefd[1] refers to the write end of the pipe.

int p[2];
int rv = pipe(p[2]);
assert(rv == 0);
while (read(p[0], ..., ...)>0){};


A FIFO or a named pipe is similar to a pipe, except that it has a filename entered into the filesystem instead of being an anonymous communications channel. With this filename, any process can open the FIFO for reading or writing. mkfifo() creates a FIFO file with a mode access permissions.

int mkfifo(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);

Then, processes have to use open() in read or write mode to perform reading or writing operations respectively.

int rv = mkfifo("fifo", 0666);
assert(rv == 0);
int fd = open("fifo", O_RDONLY);
assert(0 <= fd);
while (read(fd, ..., ...)>0){};

Pipe in Shell

The symbol "|" designates a tube into which the output of the process on its left arrives, and from which the process on its right takes its input. Try the following shell commands :

who | grep $USERNAME
ls -rt
ls -rt | sort
ps aux
ps aux | wc -l
  • who displays who is logged in.
  • grep searches for lines that match one or more patterns.
  • sort sorts text files by lines.
  • wc displays the number of lines (-l), words (-w), and bytes (-c).

To illustrate that the pipe implements the producer / consumer model. Try the following :

for i in 1 2 3 4; do
sleep 2
done | grep c

The output of ls is filtered four times by grep each time after 2 seconds of delay.

Pipes in C

In this exercise, we want to implement a ping pong mechanism.

Using pipe()

  1. Complete the pipe-ping-pong.c file. In this version, we use the pipe() system call. In this program, the main process creates a child process. The parent process creates two pipes, ping and pong. The parent writes a value into ping, and the child reads it from ping, it doubles this value and adds 1 and then writes it into pong. The parent reads the new value from pong, it doubles it and adds 1 and then sends it again to child. This is done for 3 times by the parent.
  2. Compiles and run it. You should get something like:
> ./pipe-ping-pong
15017 send ping 7
15018 recv ping 7
15018 send pong 15
15017 recv pong 15
15017 send ping 31
15018 recv ping 31
15018 send pong 63
15017 recv pong 63
15017 send ping 127
15018 recv ping 127
15018 send pong 255
15017 recv pong 255

Using mkfifo()

  1. Complete the fifo-ping-pong.c file. This time, we create two separate processes, ping and pong, in two separate shells. The ping process will run "fifo-ping-pong ping" and the pong process "fifo-ping-pong pong". The ping process creates two fifos, ping and pong. It opens ping in write-only mode and pong in read-only mode. The pong process does the opposite. Then, the ping process writes a value into ping fifo, and the pong process reads it from ping fifo, it doubles this value and adds 1 and then writes it into pong fifo. The ping process reads the new value from pong fifo, it doubles it and adds 1 and then sends it again to the pong process. This is done for 3 times by the ping process.
  2. Compiles and run it. You should get something like:
[shell ping]> fifo-ping-pong ping
28209 send to pong 7
28209 recv from pong 15
28209 send to pong 31
28209 recv from pong 63
28209 send to pong 127
28209 recv from pong 255

[shell pong]> ./fifo-ping-pong pong
28204 recv from ping 7
28204 send to ping 15
28204 recv from ping 31
28204 send to ping 63
28204 recv from ping 127
28204 send to ping 255

Note from OpenGroup specification : "An open() for reading-only shall block the calling thread until a thread opens the file for writing. An open() for writing-only shall block the calling thread until a thread opens the file for reading."